Children in Worship
At baptism, we welcome each child into the Lord’s family as fellow members of the body of Christ and workers with us.
Children’s Weekly Bulletins are provided for our children and their family at the same place adults pick up the adult bulletin and with the weekly bulletins on the webpage. These bulletins are designed to help children understand the Bible readings that are heard during church each week. They are useful as talking points during the week and as part of your family prayer time at bed time or meal time. Parents are a child’s chief Christian Education leader and should enjoy the walk together in faith with their children.
Spark family magazine provides ways for you to talk about God and Jesus with your children. St. Paul’s subscribes to this magazine for our families with young children sending it directly to your home. Take time to read the stories with your children and try out some of the activities. Enjoy growing in faith together. (If you are not receiving this magazine, simply call the church office and asked to be added to the subscription list.)
Sunday School for Children
Fall Term
The Christian Education Committee has planned the fall curriculum for children. They have prepared for:
Nursery Class, Preschool Class, Kindergarten & First Grade Class, Second & Third Grade Class, Fourth, Fifth
& Sixth Grade Class. The children’s classes all meet on the Upper Level. A chart identifying dates and Bible
stories is included with this issue to assist families as they prepare for Sunday mornings and to engage in con-
versation with their children following their class time. We can always use additional teachers or helpers.
Simply notify Johanna Patterson, Christian Education chairperson, or Pastor Reep. We thank our faithful
teachers and helpers for their tremendous commitment to the children and youth of our congregation.
Preschool Class
Kindergarten & First Grade Class
Second & Third Grade Class
Fourth, Fifth & Sixth Grade Class
September 8 Joseph and his brothers
September 15 Joseph and his Family
September 22 Baby Moses
September 29 Burning Bush
October 6 Manna in the Wilderness
October 13 Ornament making for the Jesse Tree
October 20 David is chosen
October 27 Solomon
November 3 Naaman
November 10 Queen Esther
November 17 Daniel in the den of lions
November 24 Intergenerational class with the Jesse Tree
December 1 Bethlehem
December 8 Angel Visit
December 15 Mary visits Elizabeth
December 22 Jesus is Born
Jr. High Youth Fellowship grades 6 through 8, 11:45 AM-1:00 PM (following 10:30 AM Liturgy)
Youth room
Lunch (2nd Sunday Fellowship) – Sunday, October 13, Following the Liturgy the Youth will fill their lunch plates during 2nd Sunday Sandwiches and come to the Youth Room for a time of fellowship, prayer, and fun group icebreakers. Please let Miss Kelly know if you are planning on attending this event.
Upcoming Dates
Sunday, November 10 – Lunch (2nd Sunday Fellowship).
Sunday, December 8 – Lunch (2nd Sunday Sandwiches
Sr High Youth Fellowship grades 9 through 12, Faith and Conversation around the table
Sr. High Youth Grades 9 through 12 are invited to share conversation and dinner around the table. Meet at a different restaurant each month to enjoy conversation during the meal. Meals will be shared, stories will be told, together they will experience God’s nearness, God’s kindness and God’s Love. While sharing stories they will experience God’s Grace, At the Table we Talk – At the Table we Listen. Please let Miss Kelly know if you are planning on attending this event.
Sunday, October, 6 – 5:00 PM at Round the Clock Diner East, 145 Memory Lane, York
Upcoming Dates – Restaurant for the month will follow – 5:00 pm
Sunday, November 3
Sunday, December 1
Presentation of Age Appropriate Bibles
Presentation of Bibles – The Christian Education Committee present children and youth with Bibles on an annual basis. During the rite of Holy Baptism we promise that as the children grow we will place in their hands the Holy Scriptures and provide for their instruction in the Christian faith. Bibles were presented on September 8 to children in kindergarten, grade 4, and grade 7. The Kindergarten and First grade students received a newly published story Bible designed for their age featuring beautiful illustrations with an expanded content. Those entering grade 4 received the Adventure Bible designed for young readers providing helps, illustrations and interesting facts. Students in grade 7 are beginning their catechetical program received a high quality study Bible. This edition has become popular among the participants of the Wednesday morning Bible study. It is an edition that will aid our young people in their study during the next two years of confirmation class as well as an ongoing resource for their adult participation in Christian life and living. On this day we also have the official opening of the Sunday school year and the recognition of our dedicated teachers at the 9:30 liturgy.
Music and Create
Age 3 through Grade 6
Tuesday evenings – 6:00 PM—7:15 PM
Welcome back to Music and Create! We are looking forward to this opportunity for our families with young children to engage in music and art while also having the opportunity to connect with other families. The program is designed for children ages 3 through grade 6. We split the children into two age groups, age 3 through grade 1 and grade 2 through grade 6.
On Tuesday 6:00-7:15 p.m.
Tuesdays beginning January 14, 2025
During Create time, Miss Kelly will be telling interactive stories that include the Fruits of the Spirit; Love, Joy,
Peace, Patience, Gentleness, Faithfulness, Goodness and Kindness. Throughout these 8 weeks of stories, the
children will be creating a placemat to take home at the end of the 8 week session to help them remember how
they can use the Fruits of the Spirit in their daily lives.
During Music, the children will sing, move, and play instruments. They will be learning songs to share during
the church service as well as music that will help build musical concepts and confidence. The children will be
singing during the 10:30 service on October 6th and November 10th.
Tuesdays, November 19th through December 10th
Create and Music will be combined these weeks as we prepare for a Christmas Program. The Program will take
place on Sunday December 15th. More information will be provided as we get closer to that time.
Tuesday, December 17th the children will be practicing their song for Christmas Eve. The children will sing at the
4:00 PM service. After we have finished practicing, we will have a special treat and fellowship time.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
Mrs. Jones and Miss Kelly
Musical Opportunities for Children are:
Cantabile Bell Choir – (See more)
Cherub Choir – (See more)
The Lutheran Camping Corporation carries out its mission as a gracious expression of God’s. The heart of that mission is to: The Church, in a place and time apart…Where God’s presence is experienced, Faith is renewed, Christ’s love is felt, and the Church is strengthened for the service and proclamation of the Gospel! Our goal is for each child to experience the love of Christ!
We are encouraging all of our children and youth to attend a week of church camp.
Testimonial from one of our families that did the Family Camp at Kirchenwald: “In August 2019, our family had the opportunity to attend Family Camp for a half week at Camp Kirchenwald. It is our second year attending this annual camp. We find this camp to be a great place to spend time together as a family, to engage with other families in faith, and to unplug from electronic devices and connect with nature. Our 5-year-old son loves camp too. He enjoyed the many outdoor activities, especially the big capture the flag game.”
” …we will tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that He has done.” Psalm 78:4