Fellowship Committee
The Fellowship Committee Hosts a variety of events to foster Christian fellowship within the congregation. We are blessed to have among us, nurturing women who love to cook and entertain and are good cooks who provide meals in conjunction with annual or one-time events such as Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, Second Sunday Sandwiches, Easter Brunch, Afternoon Receptions, the Church Picnic, and Annual Meeting Dinner. Hot chocolate and cookies magically appear after the Christmas tree lighting vespers. They are also available to prepare Funeral Lunches if desired by families.
At least one member of the Fellowship Committee was present each Sunday during the summer to oversee the Sunday Coffee Hour in the Good Shepherd room following the 9:15 a.m. worship service. Coffee Hour was well attended and a great time for our members to socialize and see members they hadn’t seen for a while or to meet new members.
Pictures from Second Sunday Sandwiches November and December and Annual Meeting Luncheon:
Fellowship Committee is always looking for new members.
“Day by day…they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. ” Acts 2:46-47