Youth Ministry
Youth Programs at St. Paul’s are a vibrant part of our ministry. Ably directed by Kelly Moore-Spencer, they engage teenagers in the life of the church here at home and open their eyes to the Lutheran community at large.
Jr. High Youth Group grades 6 through 8, 11:45 AM following 10:30 AM Liturgy
Youth room
Lunch (2nd Sunday Fellowship)
Sunday, October 13
Sunday, November 10
Sunday, December 8
Sr High Youth Group grades 9 through 12, Conversation around the table
5:00 PM, Meet at a different restaurant each month to enjoy conversation during
the meal The location will be provided prior to each gathering.
Sunday, October, 6
Sunday, November 3
Sunday, December 1
Summer Camp – Camp Nawawkwa and Camp Kirkenwald offer overnight, one week camping experiences and family rentals. All camp programs include games, swimming, campfires, Bible study, crafts, songs, Christ-centered worship and nature activities. They are led by well-trained caring counselors.
Anyone interested in a service project at Kirchenwald or Nawakwa? Contact Executive Director, Mike Youse, for some ideas! Email: Camping Office: 717-677-8211
Recently, older students from our sister congregation in Tanzania have traveled to Central PA to be counselors at the camps. It is a wonderful exchange of cultures and worship practices.