Confirmation Ministry

Confirmation Program

Confirmation Program designed for Grades 7 & 8 – The Confirmation Program at St. Paul’s is designed to cover the basic portions of Luther’s Small Catechism, church history and navigating the Bible. These basic tools assist our young people as they grow in grace, faith and love. Young People in grades 7 & 8 should plan to attend all of the Sunday morning class sessions as well as a few special service projects throughout the year. The current program completed in two years covers the same amount of material that we used to cover in a three year program where we held a fall and spring session on Sunday evenings. It is imperative that participants maintain high levels of engagement as we move through the material at an accelerated pace.

Catechetical Instruction
Confirmation instruction for students in grade 7 & 8. The group gathers in the Upper Level Youth Room. Instruction continues January 12-February 16.  The Rite of Confirmation is scheduled for Sunday, March 2, the Feast of the Transfiguration.  Please mark your calendars now so that you are present in worship to support the young women and men as they confess their faith in Christ Jesus.

Confirmation Class