Children’s Sermons
Children’s Sermons
Sunday as part of the Liturgy
What joy and delight we experience as the children come forward for the Children’s sermons. With Pastor Rep back from summer vacation, and with Covid numbers remaining relatively low, we are able to provide this meaning aspect of Sunday worship for our youngest members. In August we will:
- count stars with Abram,
- figure out what to wear to a wedding banquet,
- discover with Jeremiah that we can’t hide from God,
- hear from Isaiah that God will make our bones strong,
- hear that Jesus heals even when people think that he shouldn’t
- that mutual love should continue.
Please bring your children to worship and encourage them to come forward for the Children’s Sermon. Do feel
free to accompany them and sit with them and engage in the sermon with them. This is an important part of
faith formation. And we are rejoicing that it is once again part of the Sunday service.