2025 Calendar
Experiencing Tanzania Calendar 2025
Proceeds to Benefit Mbeya Hospital Construction

Members from the mission delegation to Tanzania have provided an array of photographs for the 2025 calendar. The calendar presents 14 beautiful photographs with the theme Experiencing Tanzania. This year the proceeds of our fund raising event
will be used to support the construction of a new regional hospital in the Konde Diocese. The 24 participants from the June mission trip visited the construction site and witnessed the need for such a medical facility for the growing Mbeya region. The cost of the project is significant. The funds garnered from the sale of 2025 calendars will help us in support of the Lower Susquehanna Synod’s appeal. So please do take calendars (packages of 10) to sell. Purchase calendars for friends, neighbors, and coworkers for the up-coming gift giving occasions. We have the potential to raise $20,000 to assist with the hospital construction! Please do whole heartedly engage in this enterprise. We are asking for a donation of $20 per calendar, but any amount in support of the much needed hospital in Mbeya is greatly appreciated. Calendars are available in the Good Shepherd Room.