Benevolence Committee

Get Ready, Get Involved!!!

Each year St. Paul’s Congregation has set aside a portion of our giving to be used for charitable missions and projects to benefit our members and neighbors locally, regionally, nationally, and worldwide.If you are seeking funding to support a need in our community and beyond, please complete and apply. Bright green copies are in the Good Shepherd Room and Springettsbury Entrance. You can also obtain a fillable form from Patee in the church office.
St. Paul’s Benevolence Committee has been privileged to approve $30,100 for diverse projects in 2024, and has approved, so far, $6,700 for 2025, including support the very exciting trip by a delegation from St. Paul’s to our sister congregation, the Konde Diocese in Tanzania. We still have capacity for projects in 2025. We are currently soliciting applications for 2026. Applications should be submitted by April 30th.
The Benevolence Committee is comprised of:Pastor William Snyder, Kirstin Barnes, Jamie Palmer, Carroll Tyminski, and Pastor Stan Reep.