Food Pantry

New Schedule

Starting January 2024

Nuevo cronograma a partir de enero de 2024

St. Paul’s Food Pantry Serving:
1st & 3rd Tuesday – Last Name A – M
2nd & 4th Tuesday – Last Name N – Z
5th Tuesday Closed
9:30-11:30 AM
St. Paul’s Food Pantry Porción:
1st  & 3rd Martes – Apellido A – M
2nd & 4th Martes – Apellido N – Z
5 th Martes Cerrado
9:30 – 11:30 AM
Change in Food Distribution Schedule
To: Pantry shoppers
From: St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
Beginning January 2024 the Food Pantry will serve shoppers twice per month. This change has to do with the growing numbers of people coming to the pantry, the amount of room in the pantry, our volunteer staff, and our limited amount of space for parking.
Last names beginning from A- M will be welcome to shop on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month. Last names beginning from N – Z will be welcome to shop on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday each month. When there are 5 Tuesdays in a month we will be closed the 5th Tuesday.
This system should decrease the amount of time you must wait in line for food, reduce congestion in the parking lots and permit time for pantry volunteers to restock and prepare for the next distribution. In advance of the New Year, thank you for your understanding.
Para: Compradores de despensa
De: Iglesia Luterana de San Pablo
A partir de enero de 2024, la despensa de alimentos atenderá a los compradores dos veces al mes. Este cambio tiene que ver con el creciente número de personas que vienen a la despensa, la cantidad de espacio en la despensa, nuestro personal voluntario y nuestra cantidad limitada de espacio para estacionamiento.
Los apellidos que comiencen de la A a la M serán bienvenidos a comprar el 1er y 3er martes de cada mes. Los apellidos que comienzan de la N a la Z serán bienvenidos a comprar el 2º y 4º martes de cada mes. Cuando hay 5 martes en un mes, cerraremos el 5º martes.
Este sistema debería disminuir la cantidad de tiempo que debe esperar en la fila para obtener alimentos, reducir la congestión en los estacionamientos y permitir tiempo para que los voluntarios de la despensa se reabastezcan y se preparen para la próxima distribución. Antes del Año Nuevo, gracias por su comprensión.

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Food Pantry celebrated their 40th Anniversary on September 25, 2022

To make a donation to St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Food Pantry, please click on the following link:  Donate Now

Food Pantry Donations Needed for January – Peanut Butter  Please put your donations in the shopping cart in the Good Shepherd Room.  We are always in need paper grocery bags with handles and plastic bags.

Money donations are gratefully accepted. Please place cash or check in a “special” envelope marked “Pantry”.

St. Paul’s Food Pantry has been serving clients since September of 1982. The food that is distributed comes mostly from York County Food Bank and Central Penn Food Bank.  In addition, we have established relationships with Panera Bread for bread and baked goods and Hill-N- Dale Egg Farm for fresh eggs. Also, the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of York can be found working in their garden each year to provide our pantry with fresh garden produce such as tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, collard greens, etc.  We value all donations made of either food or money to our food pantry.

The pantry operates totally with volunteers.  Our largest cadre of volunteers are the folks who help with distribution each Tuesday morning, 9:30 – 11:30. Pantry Volunteers are needed:  Tuesday mornings to help our neighbors shop, some Sundays to restock shelves and some Thursday mornings to receive deliveries. . Other volunteer opportunities include picking up from Panera Monday evenings, picking up from Hill-N-Dale Egg Farm once a month, and helping to restock the distribution area, and learning to work with the food banks to order food and maintain inventory.   New volunteers are always welcome.  Thank you Pantry Volunteers!

Food Pantry Volunteer Opportunities:

Manager of Food:  We are looking for a third person to share responsibility for keeping inventory, ordering and overseeing delivery of food. The work will take about 4 hours each week during the month that the person is in charge.   For more information, please contact Patty Snyder or the church office.

Spanish Translator is needed to sit with the people at the registration table to help translate.  During the summer it might be a high school or college student studying Spanish, Spanish teachers or others with Spanish knowledge.

Gardeners:  Each summer busy gardeners from the Unitarian Universalist Church of York (UUCY) work hard to provide St. Paul’s Food Pantry shoppers with fresh produce.  This summer UUCY will have weekday and weekend volunteer opportunities—perfect for individuals and families–helping to grow and harvest food donations for distribution on Tuesday mornings.  Some chores my include shoveling compost, panting seeds and seedlings, puling weeds, watering of plants, and other hands-on needs.  Harvesting usually happens Monday evenings and early Tuesday mornings.  Please send an email of your interest and availability to and we will look forward to providing up to date information concerning workdays.  Check with Patty Snyder or Teresa Rohrbaugh with questions.

Should you wish to volunteer in any way, please feel free to contact one of the following:

Teresa Rohrbaugh – oversees Tuesday distributions and Panera

Patty Snyder and Ken Hinkle – helps with ordering and maintaining inventory, deliveries, restocking distribution room

The church office can provide contact information:  717-843-8155

Thank you to everyone who helped at the Rev’s Games this year!  Our group of dedicated volunteers raised over $2,200 for the food pantry!

” The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your needs in parched places, and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters never fail.”    Isiah 58:11