Adult Eduction
Adult Education School Class
Education Classes for Adults
The fall of the year brings a renewed energy to the life of the congregation. One such area is Sunday morning adult education at 9:15 AM. The fall of the year is divided into three sections with two intergenerational events. The first session is “Living the Liturgy” and concludes on October 6. The second session is “Living the Catechism” and draws upon Luther’s Small Catechism. It will be led by Pastor Snyder. The third session is “Living the Gospel of Luke” and draws upon themes used by the evangelist. It will be led by Pastor Reep. The inter-generational events will facilitate the men and women of the congregation meeting to encourage a men’s group and to reactivate a women’s group. Chris Lipp and Alexis Heistand will be on hand to help guide those sessions. And because of the overwhelming positive response to the Jesse Tree Story event we have placed it back on the calendar! Pastor Reep will guide us through the story of salvation made known through the Old and New Testaments.
First Session “Living the Liturgy” Pastor Reep (Meets in Christ Hall)
September 8 Preparation
September 15 First Reading and Psalm
September 22 Second Reading, Gospel Reading, Sermon
September 29 Creed, Prayers, Offertory
October 6 Preface, Sanctus, Eucharistic Prayer, Fraction, Distribution, Sending
Intergenerational Event
October 13 Men’s group/Women’s group
Second Session “Living the Catechism” Pastor Snyder (Meets in Christ Hall)
October 20 Ten Commandments
October 27 Apostles’ Creed
November 3 Lord’s Prayer
November 10 Holy Baptism
November 17 Holy Communion
Intergenerational Event
November 24 Jesse Tree/Salvation History
Third Session “Living the Gospel of Luke” Pastor Reep (Meets in Christ Hall)
December 1 An Historian’s Care
December 8 For the Gentiles
December 15 Prominence of Prayer
December 22 Elevation of Women
Fourth Session “Lessons from Dietrich Bonhoeffer” Tristan Ericson (Meets in Christ Hall) – 9:15 a.m.
January 12 – February 16, A new curriculum written by Dr. Lori Brandt Hale, President of the International
Bonhoeffer Society – English language section, and a professor of religion at Augsburg University in Minne-
apolis. Plan to invite a friend to attend with you.
Bible Study, Wednesdays 10:30 a.m., Christ Hall
Reminder the first Wednesday of the month is marked for street cleaning on Springettsbury Avenue. Please park in the lot or on George Street.
Please enter the building through the Springettsbury Avenue lobby.
For those who have never participated in such a study please consider; placing it on your calendar, participating in the conversation and putting aside any fears which may have precluded you from participating in the past. The format is simple. We study the up-coming Sunday readings. This helps you prepare for worship and helps Pastor Reep prepare the sermon. Pastor Reep leads the study. He often provides an overview of the Biblical text. Then he will provide some insights gleaned from Biblical commentaries and scholars. Then he invites those present to share their thoughts and insights regarding the text. Often there is lively conversation! Often there is deep emotion. Most of the time we come away with a clearer understanding of how God is at work shaping our lives. Please do come. Bring a Bible if you have an edition that you particularly like or one in which you like to make notes. Otherwise there are plenty of copies in Christ Hall. The group is extremely friendly and welcoming. Do come.
Daily Devotional Readings – The new quarterly devotional book called Christ in our Home is available at all entrances to the church. Augsburg Fortress is offering Christ in Our Home as a free email subscription. Click on the following link: to sign up. This devotional has a bible reading, thoughts and prayer for each day. Are you more of an electronic reader? Try God Pause from Luther Seminary in St. Paul’s Minnesota. Sign up and you will receive a daily email with a scripture reading, reflection and prayer. To sign up, click this link or type it into your computer search bar
Small Groups
Are you interested in being part of a small group? Would you like to discuss social justice issues, Bible studies, family/parenting ideas or any other topic? Contact the church office with your ideas!