Garden of Memory
Gracing the corner of George Street and Springettsbury Avenue is a lovely curving Columbarium built of brick and dedicated in 2005. The Columbarium has made an improvement to both the neighborhood and our beautiful grounds. Responsible stewardship of the creation God gave us grows, making cremation a popular choice for the “end of life” decisions. Cremation is recognized within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to be entirely proper and theologically sound. In recent years there has been a return to the ancient custom of cremation where deceased loved ones return to ashes. We remember the words from Genesis that we are dust and to dust we shall return. The practice of cremation makes it possible for the ashes of the faithful departed to be placed within the structure of the church or on its grounds. As we place ashes of loved ones in the Garden of Memory we situate our loved ones and ourselves in a context of the loving worshiping community of Christ Jesus. In Christ we are made one. In him death and life are blurred together in God’s Word of promise. It is the Word from which all hope springs.
The 64 niches and 100 ground plots are available to current members, former members, and faithful friends. The intent is to offer an affordable and dignified alternative. This is not or ever will be a service in which we want to make a profit. Prices range from $250 to $1500. Pricing has not changed since the inception of the Columbarium in 2005. The Garden is open and available for reflection, meditation and prayer daily.
To discuss the process for reserving a plot or wall niche in the Garden of Memory, contact Pastor Reep (717-843-8155). He will meet with you to discuss and clarify any spiritual concerns. Should you want to pursue the details for this service, there is an information packet available at the church office or call (717-843-8155) and it will be sent to you. Pastor Reep will answer your questions and/or help you with the documentation should your choice be cremation and internment in our Garden of Memory.
Remember – One of the greatest gifts you can leave behind for your loved ones is to have arrangements made so they won’t have this burden to manage during a stressful time in their lives.